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Asp.net And HTML Css And Web Development: How To Sort Row Of Grid in Angular 6
Asp.net And HTML Css And Web Development: How To Sort Row Of Grid in Angular 6: How To Sort Row Of Grid in Angular 6 Setup For Sortable JS 1). Install Plugin "'angular-sortablejs" 2). set ref...
How To Sort Row Of Grid in Angular 6
How To Sort Row Of Grid in Angular 6
Setup For Sortable JS
1). Install Plugin "'angular-sortablejs"
2). set reference or import service
import { SortablejsOptions } from 'angular-sortablejs';
3).Define Variable in Class
public sortableOptions: SortablejsOptions;
4).Define Function in class for Get Rows of Grid or table
get fieldRows() {
return this.contractFormService.fieldRows(this.newContractIOTForm, this.discountType, this.discountTypeID, this.j);
5).Call Method in OnInit() method
this.sortableOptions = {
onSort: (event: any) => {
this.fieldRows, this.discountTypeID);
6). set property of Grid in html of Currunt ts file
[sortablejs]="fieldRows" [sortablejsOptions]="sortableOptions"
7). Define Common Function for sorting Functionality for Data
sortFormFields(j: number, newContractIOTForm: FormGroup, discountType: string, arrayIndexes: AbstractControl[], TypeID) {
const discountTypeList = newContractIOTForm.get(discountType).get('DiscountTypes').value;
if (discountTypeList) {
for (let index = 0; index < discountTypeList.length; index++) {
const discountTypeID = discountTypeList[index].DiscountTypeID;
const offerFields: FormArray = this.getDiscountFields(newContractIOTForm, discountType, discountTypeID);
if (TypeID === discountTypeID) {
const _temp: FormArray = offerFields.controls[j] as FormArray;
arrayIndexes.forEach((ele: FormGroup, i) => {
const fields = _temp.controls[i] as FormGroup;
How to Generate Pdf in angular 6
How to Generate Pdf in angular 6
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import * as jspdf from 'jspdf';
import 'jspdf-autotable';
import * as logoFile from './tritexlogo.js';
import { formatCurrency, formatNumber } from '@angular/common';
providedIn: 'root'
export class PdfService {
constructor() { }
generatePDF(data) {
const DiscountPeriodStyle = { lineWidth: 0.25, overflow: 'linebreak', halign: 'left', fontSize: 9 };
const DiscountPeriodHeader = [
content: 'Discount Periods - ' + 'Short stub', colSpan: 3, styles: { halign: 'center' }
content: 'Sr. No.', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Start Date', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'End Date', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
const OfferIsBandedTied = (data.Offer && data.Offer.DiscountTypes) ?
data.Offer.DiscountTypes.filter(x => x.DiscountTypeID === 4).length : 0;
const BidIsBandedTied = (data.Bid && data.Bid.DiscountTypes) ? data.Bid.DiscountTypes.filter(x => x.DiscountTypeID === 4).length : 0;
let pageLayout = '';
if (BidIsBandedTied > 0 || OfferIsBandedTied > 0) {
pageLayout = 'landscape';
const pdf = new jspdf(pageLayout);
const yOffset = (pdf.internal.pageSize.height / 2);
const LogoPosition = (pageLayout && pageLayout === 'landscape') ? ((pdf.internal.pageSize.height / 2) + 15) : (yOffset / 2);
pdf.addImage(logoFile.logoBase64, 'JPEG', LogoPosition, 5);
const HeaderStyle = { fontStyle: 'bold', fontSize: 9, cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 9) };
const item = [];
if (data.CounterPartyTADIGCodes) {
data.CounterPartyTADIGCodes = data.CounterPartyTADIGCodes.filter(x => x.IsSelected === true);
if (data.TradingEntityTADIGCodes) {
data.TradingEntityTADIGCodes = data.TradingEntityTADIGCodes.filter(x => x.IsSelected === true);
theme: 'plain',
startY: 41,
styles: {
cellPadding: 1,
fontSize: 9
tableWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width) - 20,
margin: { left: 10, top: 10 },
columnStyles: {
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cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 6)
body: [
{ content: 'Tritex ContractID', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'ReferenceNo'), colSpan: 4 }
{ content: 'Deal Type', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'ContractDealType'), colSpan: 4 }
{ content: 'Direction', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: data.TypeName, colSpan: 4 }
{ content: '', colSpan: 6 }
{ content: 'Party A', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'TradingEntityName') },
{ content: 'Party B', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: data.CounterPartyName }
{ content: 'Party A TCID', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: data.TradingEntityTCID },
{ content: 'Party B TCID', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: data.CounterPartyTCID }
{ content: 'Party A TAP Codes', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'TradingEntityTADIGCodes', 'Array', 'TadigCode')
{ content: 'Party B TAP Codes', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'CounterPartyTADIGCodes', 'Array', 'TadigCode')
{ content: '', colSpan: 6 }
{ content: 'Trade Date', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'TradeDate'), colSpan: 4 }
{ content: 'Start Date', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: data.StartDate, colSpan: 4 }
{ content: 'Auto-renew', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: data.IsAutoRenewal ? 'Yes' : 'No', colSpan: 4 }
{ content: 'End date of First Discount Period', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'EndDate'), colSpan: 4 }
{ content: 'Number of Discount Period', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'NoOfDiscountPeriods'), colSpan: 4 }
{ content: 'Length of Discount Period', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'DiscountPeriodName'), colSpan: 4 }
{ content: 'Agreement Notification Period', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
content: this.checkExistValue(data, 'TerminationName'), colSpan: 4
data.DiscountPeriods.forEach(element => {
item.push([element.DiscountPeriod, element.DiscountPeriodStartDate, element.DiscountPeriodEndDate]);
data.DiscountPeriods = item;
theme: 'plain',
margin: { left: 10, top: 10 },
head: DiscountPeriodHeader,
tableWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 2),
body: data.DiscountPeriods,
styles: DiscountPeriodStyle,
didDrawCell: data.DiscountPeriods
theme: 'plain',
styles: {
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fontSize: 9
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cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 6)
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cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 6)
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tableWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width) - 20,
margin: { left: 10, top: 10 },
body: [
content: 'Party A HPMN', styles: {
fontStyle: 'bold',
fontSize: 9,
cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 9),
valign: 'middle',
halign: 'center',
textColor: [120, 120, 120]
colSpan: 3
content: 'Party B VPMN', styles: {
fontStyle: 'bold',
fontSize: 9,
cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 9),
valign: 'middle',
halign: 'center',
textColor: [120, 120, 120]
colSpan: 3
{ content: 'Settlement', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data.Offer, 'SettlementTypeName') },
{ content: 'Settlement', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data.Bid, 'SettlementTypeName') }
{ content: 'Tax Treatment', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data.Offer, 'TaxTreatmentValue') },
{ content: 'Tax Treatment', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data.Bid, 'TaxTreatmentValue') }
{ content: 'Exclusions Services', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data.Offer, 'Exclusions', 'Array', 'ExclusionName') },
{ content: 'Exclusions Services', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
{ content: this.checkExistValue(data.Bid, 'Exclusions', 'Array', 'ExclusionName') }
{ content: 'Exclusion Counties', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
content: (data.Offer ? this.checkExistValue(data.Offer.ExclusionsCountryRegion, 'Countries', 'Array', 'CountryName')
: 'N/A')
{ content: 'Exclusion Counties', styles: HeaderStyle },
{ content: ':' },
content: (data.Bid ? this.checkExistValue(data.Bid.ExclusionsCountryRegion, 'Countries', 'Array', 'CountryName')
: 'N/A')
if (data && data.Offer) {
this.getDiscountGrids(data.Offer, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle, 'A', 'HPMN');
if (data && data.Bid) {
this.getDiscountGrids(data.Bid, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle, 'B', 'VPMN');
pdf.save(data.ReferenceNo + '.pdf');
getDiscountGrids(data, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle, type, value) {
theme: 'plain',
styles: {
overflow: 'linebreak',
halign: 'left',
fontStyle: 'bold', fontSize: 12,
tableWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width) - 20,
margin: { left: 10, top: 10 },
{ content: 'Party ' + type + ' as ' + value + ' Pricing Grid ' }
if (data.Financial && data.Financial.length > 0) {
this.getAYCEGrid(data.Financial, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle);
if (data.FlatRate && data.FlatRate.length > 0) {
this.getFlatRateGrid(data.FlatRate, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle);
if (data.BalancedUnbalanced && data.BalancedUnbalanced.length > 0) {
this.getBalancedUnbalancedGrid(data.BalancedUnbalanced, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle);
if (data.BandedTiered && data.BandedTiered.length > 0) {
this.getBandedTieredGrid(data.BandedTiered, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle);
getFlatRateGrid(FlatRate, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle) {
FlatRate.forEach((el, index) => {
const PricingGridHeader = [
content: 'Flat Rate', colSpan: 8, styles: { halign: 'center' }
content: 'Discount Period -' + (index + 1), colSpan: 8, styles: { halign: 'left' }
content: 'Service.', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Operator Affiliates', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'OriginatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Terminated in', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Currency', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Traffic rate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'per', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Charging Interval', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
const PricingGridHeader1 = [
content: 'Discount Period -' + (index + 1), colSpan: 8, styles: { halign: 'left' }
content: 'Service.', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Operator Affiliates', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'OriginatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Terminated in', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Currency', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Traffic rate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'per', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Charging Interval', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
const itemlist = [];
el.forEach(element => {
itemlist.push([element.ServiceName, element.OperatorAffiliate.map(x => x.TadigCode), element.OriginatedIn.map(x => x.CountryName),
element.TerminatedName, element.ISO, this.convertDecimalFormat(element.TrafficRate),
element.PerUnitName, element.ChargingIntervalName]);
theme: 'plain',
margin: { left: 10, top: 10 },
head: index === 0 ? PricingGridHeader : PricingGridHeader1,
pageBreak: 'auto',
showHead: 'firstPage',
tableWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width) - 20,
body: itemlist,
styles: DiscountPeriodStyle,
didDrawCell: itemlist
getBalancedUnbalancedGrid(BalancedUnbalanced, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle) {
BalancedUnbalanced.forEach((el, index) => {
const PricingGridHeader = [
content: 'Balanced / Unbalanced', colSpan: 9, styles: { halign: 'center' }
content: 'Discount Period -' + (index + 1), colSpan: 9, styles: { halign: 'left' }
content: 'Service.', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Operator Affiliates', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'OriginatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Terminated in', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Currency', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Balanced Traffic rate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'UnBalanced Traffic rate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'per', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Charging Interval', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
const PricingGridHeader1 = [
content: 'Discount Period -' + (index + 1), colSpan: 9, styles: { halign: 'left' }
content: 'Service.', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Operator Affiliates', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'OriginatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Terminated in', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Currency', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Balanced Traffic rate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'UnBalanced Traffic rate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'per', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Charging Interval', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
const itemlist = [];
el.forEach(element => {
itemlist.push([element.ServiceName, element.OperatorAffiliate.map(x => x.TadigCode), element.OriginatedIn.map(x => x.CountryName),
element.TerminatedName, element.ISO, this.convertDecimalFormat(element.BalancedTrafficRate),
this.convertDecimalFormat(element.UnbalancedTrafficRate), element.PerUnitName,
theme: 'plain',
columnStyles: {
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cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 9)
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cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 9)
margin: { left: 10, top: 10 },
head: index === 0 ? PricingGridHeader : PricingGridHeader1,
pageBreak: 'auto',
showHead: 'firstPage',
tableWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width) - 20,
body: itemlist,
styles: DiscountPeriodStyle,
getAYCEGrid(Financial, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle) {
Financial.forEach((el, index) => {
const PricingGridHeader = [
content: 'All You Can Eat', colSpan: 5, styles: { halign: 'center' }
content: 'Discount Period -' + (index + 1), colSpan: 5, styles: { halign: 'left' }
content: 'Service.', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Operator Affiliates', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'OriginatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Currency', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'AYCERate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
const PricingGridHeader1 = [
content: 'Discount Period -' + (index + 1), colSpan: 5, styles: { halign: 'left' }
content: 'Service.', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Operator Affiliates', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'OriginatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Currency', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'AYCERate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
const itemlist = [];
el.forEach(element => {
itemlist.push([element.Services.map(x => x.ServiceName),
element.OperatorAffiliate.map(x => x.TadigCode), element.OriginatedIn.map(x => x.CountryName),
element.ISO, this.convertDecimalFormat(element.AYCERate)]);
theme: 'plain',
columnStyles: {
1: {
cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 5)
2: {
cellWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 5)
margin: { left: 10, top: 10 },
head: index === 0 ? PricingGridHeader : PricingGridHeader1,
pageBreak: 'auto',
showHead: 'firstPage',
tableWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width) - 20,
body: itemlist,
styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
getBandedTieredGrid(BandedTiered, pdf, DiscountPeriodStyle) {
BandedTiered.forEach((el, index) => {
const PricingGridHeader = [
content: 'Banded / Tiered', colSpan: 12, styles: { halign: 'center' }
content: 'Discount Period -' + (index + 1), colSpan: 12, styles: { halign: 'left' }
content: 'Service.', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Operator Affiliates', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'OriginatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'TerminatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Currency', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Band Threshold Type', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Traffic Rate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: ' \u003E\u003D ', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Band Threshold', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Back To First', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'per ', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Charging Interval', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
const PricingGridHeader1 = [
content: 'Discount Period -' + (index + 1), colSpan: 12, styles: { halign: 'left' }
content: 'Service.', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Operator Affiliates', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'OriginatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'TerminatedIn', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Currency', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Band Threshold Type', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Traffic Rate', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: '\u003E\u003D', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Band Threshold', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Back To First', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'per ', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
content: 'Charging Interval', styles: DiscountPeriodStyle
const itemlist = [];
el.forEach(element => {
element.Bands.forEach((elementItem, i) => {
if (element.Bands.length > 1) {
if (i === 0) {
content: element.ServiceName, rowSpan: element.Bands.length
content: element.OperatorAffiliate.map(x => x.TadigCode), rowSpan: element.Bands.length
content: element.OriginatedIn.map(x => x.CountryName), rowSpan: element.Bands.length
content: element.TerminatedName, rowSpan: element.Bands.length
content: element.ISO, rowSpan: element.Bands.length
}, {
content: elementItem.BandThresholdTypeName
content: this.convertDecimalFormat(elementItem.TrafficRate),
content: '\u003E\u003D'
content: elementItem.BandThresholdTypeName !== 'Commitment' ?
(elementItem.BandThresholdTypeName !== 'Volume' ? this.convertDecimalFormat(elementItem.BandThreshold) :
this.convertCurruncyFormat(elementItem.BandThreshold)) : ''
content: (elementItem.IsBandBackToFirst) ? 'Yes' : 'No'
content: element.PerUnitName, rowSpan: element.Bands.length
content: element.ChargingIntervalName, rowSpan: element.Bands.length
} else {
elementItem.BandThresholdTypeName !== 'Commitment' ?
(elementItem.BandThresholdTypeName !== 'Volume' ? this.convertDecimalFormat(elementItem.BandThreshold) :
this.convertCurruncyFormat(elementItem.BandThreshold)) : '',
(elementItem.IsBandBackToFirst) ? 'Yes' : 'No'
} else {
content: element.ServiceName
content: element.OperatorAffiliate.map(x => x.TadigCode)
content: element.OriginatedIn.map(x => x.CountryName)
content: element.TerminatedName
content: element.ISO
content: elementItem.BandThresholdTypeName,
content: this.convertDecimalFormat(elementItem.TrafficRate),
content: '\u003E\u003D'
content: elementItem.BandThresholdTypeName !== 'Commitment' ?
(elementItem.BandThresholdTypeName !== 'Volume' ? this.convertDecimalFormat(elementItem.BandThreshold) :
this.convertCurruncyFormat(elementItem.BandThreshold)) : ''
content: (elementItem.IsBandBackToFirst) ? 'Yes' : 'No'
content: element.PerUnitName
content: element.ChargingIntervalName
theme: 'plain',
margin: { left: 10, top: 10 },
head: index === 0 ? PricingGridHeader : PricingGridHeader1,
pageBreak: 'auto',
showHead: 'firstPage',
tableWidth: (pdf.internal.pageSize.width) - 20,
body: itemlist,
styles: DiscountPeriodStyle,
didDrawCell: itemlist
checkExistValue(item, key, type?, searchkey?) {
if (type === 'Array') {
return (item && item[key]) ? item[key].map(x => x[searchkey]) : 'N/A';
} else {
return (item && item[key]) ? item[key] : 'N/A';
convertDecimalFormat(rate) {
return formatCurrency(rate, 'en', '', 'USD', '1.2-6');
convertCurruncyFormat(rate) {
return formatNumber(rate, 'en');
setWaterMark(pdf) {
const totalPages = pdf.internal.getNumberOfPages();
for (let i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
// pdf.setTextColor(230);
// pdf.setFontSize(65);
// pdf.text((pdf.internal.pageSize.width / 2) - 30, pdf.internal.pageSize.height / 2 - 30, 'Tritex', null, 45);
pdf.text(10, (pdf.internal.pageSize.height) - 5, 'Page-' + i);
// pdf.text((pdf.internal.pageSize.width) - 35, 5, 'Tritex One Page PDF');
How to Generate XML in angular js (angular 6)
How to Generate XML in angular js (angular 6)
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import * as XMLWriter from 'xml-writer';
import * as FileSaver from 'file-saver';
providedIn: 'root'
export class XmlService {
xw = new XMLWriter;
constructor() { }
public generateXml(paramData: any, _ReferenceNo) {
// Start XML Node
this.xw = new XMLWriter;
this.xw.text('*TAP Instruction sheet created and approved on the Tritex IOT Management platform');
this.generateNode(paramData, true); // For Home
this.generateNode(paramData, false); // For Visitor
const blob = new Blob([this.xw], { type: 'application/xhtml+xml;charset=UTF-8' });
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, _ReferenceNo + '.xhtml');
generateNode(paramData, isHome) {
const tapValue = paramData.newTAPInstructionForm;
const taxTreatmentList = paramData.taxTreatmentList;
const chargingIntervalEnumList = paramData.chargingIntervalEnumList;
const perEnumList = paramData.perEnumList;
const serviceList = paramData.serviceList;
const tapServiceList = paramData.tapServiceList;
const _entity = isHome ? tapValue.HomeEntity : tapValue.VisitorEntity;
const _sectionText = isHome ? 'HPMN' : 'VPMN';
_entity.forEach(element => {
// this.xw.startElement('section').writeAttribute('S', _sectionText).writeAttribute('OC', element.OperatorCode)
// .writeElement('tag', 'Some content');
// this.xw.endElement();
this.xw.startElement('section').writeAttribute('S', _sectionText).writeAttribute('OC', element.OperatorCode);
const ISO = element.OperatorCurrencyISO;
// Common Details
this.xw.startElement('CD').writeAttribute('EDT', element.EffectiveDate);
if (isHome) {
this.xw.writeAttribute('PA', tapValue.TradingEntity);
this.xw.writeAttribute('PB', tapValue.CounterParty);
this.xw.writeAttribute('O', element.OperatorName);
this.xw.writeAttribute('TC', element.OperatorCode);
} else {
this.xw.writeAttribute('PA', tapValue.TradingEntity);
this.xw.writeAttribute('PB', tapValue.CounterParty);
this.xw.writeAttribute('O', element.OperatorName);
this.xw.writeAttribute('TC', element.OperatorCode);
// Period
element.EntityDetails[0].TapService.forEach((eleTapService, periodIndex) => {
// const tempEleTabDetails = eleTapService.TapService[periodIndex];
this.xw.writeAttribute('P', 'Period' + Number(periodIndex + 1));
this.xw.writeAttribute('SDT', (eleTapService.StartDate) ? eleTapService.StartDate as string : 'n/a');
this.xw.writeAttribute('EDT', (eleTapService.EndDate) ? eleTapService.EndDate as string : 'n/a');
this.xw.writeAttribute('ISO', (ISO) ? ISO as string : 'n/a');
element.EntityDetails.forEach((eleEntity, entityIndex) => {
const eleTabDetails = eleEntity.TapService[periodIndex].TapServicePeriodWise;
this.xw.writeAttribute('PA', eleEntity.PartyATAPCode);
this.xw.writeAttribute('PB', eleEntity.PartyBTAPCode);
this.xw.writeAttribute('E', (element.Exclusions) ? element.Exclusions : 'n/a');
this.xw.writeAttribute('T', taxTreatmentList.filter(x => x.EnumID === eleEntity.TaxTreatmentEnumID)
.map(x => x.DisplayName).toString());
eleTabDetails.forEach((eleTab) => {
this.xw.writeAttribute('MS', tapServiceList.filter(x => x.EnumID === eleTab.TapServiceEnumID)
.map(x => x.SubType).toString());
this.xw.writeAttribute('SS', serviceList.filter(x => x.EnumID === eleTab.ServiceEnumID).map(x => x.DisplayName).toString());
this.xw.writeElement('R', (eleTab.Rate) ? eleTab.Rate as string : 'n/a');
if (eleTab.TapServiceEnumID === 7 || eleTab.TapServiceEnumID === 8) {
this.xw.writeElement('P', perEnumList.filter(x => x.EnumID === eleTab.PerEnumID).map(x => x.DisplayName).toString());
this.xw.writeElement('I', chargingIntervalEnumList.filter(x => x.EnumID === eleTab.IntervalEnumID)
.map(x => x.DisplayName).toString());
this.xw.endElement(); // RD
this.xw.endElement(); // RW
this.xw.endElement(); // PD
this.xw.endElement(); // Common Details
this.xw.endElement(); // section
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How To Design Certificate using Html CSS And Format for print landscape and portrait Mode page Design OUTPUT:- HTML AND CSS...
How To Get IP Address And MAC Address Using c# , Aps.net MVC public ActionResult Index() { var IP = GetUser_IP(); ...
How to Create xml file and download it or convert into base64 string 1).First Install Following packages from Node m...